by VDKi
Press release 3/2021
Association of Coal Importers celebrates 125th anniversary
With the sailors on Berlin's lake Wannsee, the Association of Coal Importers, an association of hard coal traders and consumers, celebrated its 125th anniversary on Tuesday, August 31st, 2021. Chairman Bethe emphasizes the backup function of coal-fired power plants in times of energy transition: "For the time of transition, wind power and hard coal power plants are not opposites, they complement each other." Bethe pointed out to CO2 optimization of hard coal power plants by co-firing biomass or, as now in Japan, ammonia. Keynote speaker Ole von Beust congratulated the in Hamburg founded association on its anniversary. In his speech he emphasized not only climate protection but also the importance of security of supply and economic efficiency of any future architecture of German energy supply.
Berlin, 01.09.2021
V.i.S.d.P: Verein der Kohlenimporteure e.V., Manfred Müller, Geschäftsführer