Verein der Kohlenimporteure e.V.
About the Coal Importers Association e. V. (VDKi)
The Coal Importers Association e. V. (VDKi) represents the interests of the imported coal market in Germany. Its German and European members come from the power industry/utilities, industry, trade and logistics sectors. The association currently has 43 members, who account for around four-fifths of Germany's primary energy consumption of hard coal (in 2024 this was forecasted at 25.7 Mill. TCE). Imported coal covers 100 % of Germany's hard coal demand. The VDKi thus represents the majority of the hard coal market in Germany - with a financial volume in the billions. The VDKi regularly examines the significance of the global hard coal markets for the European and German imported hard coal market, indicates prospects for the further development of imports and regularly publishes statistics on German hard coal imports and prices.